Master Compounding Pharmacy Priceline Pharmacy Mayfield Specialists in Compounded Medicines
Master Compounding Priceline Pharmacy Mayfield Compounding Chemist Specialist Pharmacy

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Master Compounding (Priceline Pharmacy Mayfield) offers specialised compounding services to meet the needs of our patients who are unable to take commercially available medications for a number of reasons (eg, can’t swallow a tablet, can’t tolerate the preservatives or have specific allergies).  

Our compounding pharmacists are fully trained by the PCCA (Professional Compounding Chemists of Australia) and have many years of experience in providing compounded medicines.

Click on a condition below to read more information about how Master Compounding can assist you today!

Compounding Treatment List

If you have a question or would like more information please call and speak to one of our friendly compounding pharmacists on 02 4968 2305 or use our Contact form.

What is compounding?

Compounding is simply the science of combining individual ingredients to create a specific medication.

Before the mass production of medications in the 1950’s, the majority of medicines were compounded to suit an individual’s needs by specialist pharmacists. Today, there is a resurgence of interest in compounded medications as people discover that mass produced medications may not suit their particular situation.

Why do we need compounded medicines?

Mass produced medications meet the majority of needs of patients, but there are many medically necessary situations where compounded medications are required:

  • Remove Allergens – Many patients are allergic to preservatives, dyes, sugar, alcohol, gluten or food colours. Compounding can make allergen free over the counter and prescription medications, formulated to leave out the problem ingredients.

  • Alternative Dose Forms – Many patients can’t swallow tablets, have too many tablets to swallow, or find that tablets create gastrointestinal problems. Compounding can change the dosage form to one that is tolerated by the patient.

  • Exact Dosage Requirements – Where a patient needs an exact dose and the particular dose is not commercially available, then compounding can create the exact dose requirements. We can increase or decrease dose strengths to reduce multiple tablets or to make it more convenient to deliver the correct dosage.

  • Flavour – Let’s be honest, not all medications taste great. If the patient doesn’t like the taste, then they won’t take their medicine. Compounding can add flavours to mask the taste of medications without disturbing the medication’s effectiveness.

  • Dose Compliance – Some medications may require tablets to be taken a number of times throughout the day. At times this may not be easy to accomplish with busy lifestyles or simply remembering to take them. Compounding can find different formats that may mean only having to take the medication once daily rather than multiple times per day.

  • Discontinued Medications – Medications may become unavailable for a variety of reasons. Compounding can replicate discontinued medications when appropriate by combining the active pharmaceutical ingredients into the most appropriate dosage and form for the patient.

What forms can compounded medicines take?

Our compounding pharmacists work closely with you and your practitioner to create medications in a form that is suitable for you and your lifestyle. 

Some of the dosage forms include:

  • Oral/Topical Syringes – for more accurate dosages

  • Capsules – immediate release and coated or slower release capsules

  • Suspensions, Solutions & Foams

  • Transdermal Creams, Gels, Ointments & Sticks – one of the best alternatives to oral forms of medications or for local action on skin

  • Oral Rinses

  • Nasal Sprays

Is Compounding Safe?

Compounding pharmacies are covered by extensive legal requirements. In addition, Master Compounding (Priceline Pharmacy Mayfield) is accredited by the QCCP and PCCA, and complies with all requirements.

We follow strict quality assurance protocols and our equipment and laboratory are state-of-the-art.  We only ever produce individual products to order and never mass-produce medications.

This means your compounded medications are as safe as can possibly be produced.

Alternative Dosage Forms

Compounding enables prescribers and pharmacists to meet the special needs of patients.  One of its most important benefits is to those patients who have difficulties with commerically available medication.  With the prescriber's consent, pharmacists can custom-prepare medications in a variety of unique dosage forms including:
*  Capsules
*  Creams/Gels/Ointments
*  Oral Liquids/Suspensions
*  Troches
*  Nasal Sprays
*  Suppositories

Dental Preparations

Oral and dental problems can be extremely painful and not easy to live with.  Some of the most common conditions that our compounding pharmacists can assist with are oral thrush, ulcers, pain, and infection, dry mouth, and mucositis.

Compounded dental preparations can take many forms:

*  Mouthwashes

*  Oral Gels

*  Dental ointments and pastes

*  Sprays

*  Troches

*  Sublinguals

Speak to your compounding pharmacist, GP or dentist today.


Many patients suffer from a variety of skin conditions and while there is a wide variety of commercial products available these may not suit every patient all the time. For example, patients may have allergies to certain ingredients in a cream such as a preservative.

Some of the skin conditions our compounding pharmacists can assist with are:

  • Psoriasis
  • ​Dermatitis
  • Eczema
  • Pigmentation
  • Sunburn
  • Rosacea
  • Acne

We compound both Prescription and Non Prescription preparations for our patients.

Compounding pharmacists have access to a wide range of raw ingredients and specific skin care bases which may be used to optimise treatment for patients.

Come and speak to our compounding pharmacists to get expert advice on the latest treatment options for your particular condition. 

Discontinued Medicines

At certain times medicines may become discontinued by the manufcaturer or be temporarily unavailable due to supply issues.  Our compounding pharmacists are able to work with your GP or specialist to compound an alternative to the unavailable product.

Hair Loss Management

Hair loss can affect both men and women and can have strong emotional and psychological consequences.  The causes of hair loss can range from hormonal changes, stress and iron deficiency to fungal infections and medication-induced hair thinning.  

If this is an area of concern for you, please speak to our compounding pharmacists or your GP to discuss whether a compounded product may be a suitable option for you.  We offer compounded solutions that can be used to assist in treating hair loss.  

Hormones have a powerful effect on the body and imbalances can affect many aspects of a patient's health on a daily basis.  Compounded Hormone Replacement Therapies are prepared after a consultation with either your GP or specialist for each patient at the appropriate dose to achieve the best possible treatment outcome.

All Hormone Replacement Therapies require a prescription.  Ask us today about the range of hormones we can compound.

    Hormone Replacement Therapy

    Giving medicines to children can be a challenging and stressful experience for all involved.  Our compounding pharmacists can work with your Paediatrician or GP to make life easier.  From changing the flavour of a medicine, changing the form the medicine comes in or simply making a colour free or preservative free alternative we can help.  Some of the compounded treatment options we can assist with include:

    *  Sleep

    *  Reflux

    *  Children with ADHD or Autism

    *  Nausea and/or vomiting

    *  Eczema or skin conditions

    *  Nappy rash

      Paediatric Formulations

      Pain management is one of the most common reasons why patients visit their GPs or Pharmacists.  It could be a headahce, migraine or nerve pain and it could also be acute or chronic.  Some commonly prescribed medications can treat many different pain conditions but can also leave patients with unwanted side effects like drowsiness, upset stomachs or dizziness.

      Compounded pain medications can be used as part of a treatment program for a variety of pain conditions including:

      *  Fibromyalgia

      *  Headaches/Migraines

      *  Pelvic Pain

      *  Arthritis

      *  Nerve Pain

      *  And many more

      Speak to our compounding pharmacists today for more information.

        Pain Management Compounding

        Palliative care patients can often find commercially available medication forms difficult or impractical to use.  For example, tablets may become difficult to swallow and may need to be prepared as a liquid.  At Master Compounding (Priceline Pharmacy Mayfield) our compounding pharmacists can work with your GP to compound alternative medication forms that are easy to take and in the correct dose.

          Palliative Care Compounding Services

          There are many therapies available which can assist in regulating your sleep. Sleep disturbances can be caused by many different factors including anxiety, depression or not being able to turn off. Speak with your doctor to see how/if a compounded medicine can assist with your sleep.

            Sleep Disturbances

            The practice of pharmacy compounding is becoming a popular solution to veterinary problems. Animals often have variations of the same diseases humans can have, including skin rashes, eye and ear infections, heart conditions, cancer and diabetes.

            Medicating pets presents unique problems that often are best dealt with through compounding. The Vet working closely with a compounding pharmacist can improve the health and happiness of your pet. All medications for your pet require a prescription from your vet before we can supply.

              Veterinary Compounding

              Prescription should begin with the title 'Compounded Medication.

              Fields to be included are:

              *  Generic name of active ingredient(s) / Strength or Dose (eg.  mg or %).

              *  Dosage form (i.e suppository, transdermal gel, troche).

              *  Quantity

              *  Directions for use

                How to write a compounding prescription.

                (c) Medicines Information Pty Ltd

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